Cleopatra Kambugu, seeds of change

Cleopatra Kambugu, seeds of change

Season 4: Episode 5 Human rights activist Cleapatra Kambugu talks about giving voice to the minoritized, staying resilient, and planting seeds of change.   This season I’m talking about how empathy and storytelling can help bridge divides. Today I am in...
Tom Kellner, translating culture

Tom Kellner, translating culture

Season 4: Episode 4 A conversation with Tom Kellner about the impact of translating culture in literature   Today I am in conversation with Tom Kellner, a post-doctoral researcher at the Martin Luther Universität in Halle, Germany. Her research examines German...

Michelle M. Wright, narratives and inclusion

Season 4: Episode 3 Michelle M. Wright looks at how blackness is constructed in our use of language.   This season I am talking to academics, artists and changemakers about empathy, storytelling and bridging divides. Today I am in conversation with Michelle M....
Dori Tunstall, designing for diversity

Dori Tunstall, designing for diversity

Season 4: Episode 2 Design anthropologist and design dean Dori Tunstall shares her experience decolonizing the design curriculum.    This season I am talking to academics, artists and changemakers about empathy, storytelling and bridging divides. Inclusion and...
Della Duncan, upstream podcast

Della Duncan, upstream podcast

Season 4: Episode 1 A conversation with Della Duncan about moving to an economic system based on human and planetary flourishing.   Today I am conversation with renegade economist and Right Livelihood coach, Della Duncan. Della is the founder and co-host of the...